What an amazing progress. I really look up to your tenacity and not to give up on what you believe in. Its seems very daunting to question the so called “experts” and I am so happy to hear than you kept the conversation going with your previously resistant advisor. You go girl!!
In addition, you have not only changed your own portfolio but influenced many other portfolio’s which is great to hear. In your experience do you think the reluctance in the beginning was due to a lack of education and lack of understanding from the financial advisors?
Since your blog I have started questioning our pension fund at work, and it seems like now that the UK pension funds are feeling the pressure to divest from fossil fuels, we might have some traction. I have read about the UK’s biggest pension scheme, NEST (National Employment Savings Trust) and that they started to divest from fossil. Also happening this month was an announcement that the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) could be embedded in the UK pension laws which sounds very promising (https://www.responsible-investor.com/articles/dwp-eyes-tcfd-framework-for-uk-workplace-pensions-law).
I am looking forward to reading how you manage the other 20% of your portfolio and what a great initiative to broaden the scope to diversity and inclusion. You are truly inspiring.